

Innovative experienced team facilitates new opportunities, offering knowledge sharing with integrity

  • Licensing round application support
  • ET-GeoBank: Visualization -and interaction exploration tool in cooperation with Geodata
  • Ready deliverable exploration data packages on digital format based on public data
  • Regional and special studies in cooperation with Pss-Geo

  • Cross-border exploration between UK, DK and Norway

  • Data Mangement Services


Well database. Exploration tool for visualization, learning, regional view and collaboration.

ET-GeoBank modules available pr date are: Finds & Shows and Porosity and Permebility

Finds and shows  gives an overview of the HC potential both stratigraphically and regionally.                                    Porosity and Permeability  data from 1125 cored NCS wells have been 

HC categories have been subdevided into oil or gas shows, and oil, gas or condensate. for all                                     subdevided into groups and formations according to the NPD stratigrahy.

formations. Each well also contains information if formation is not present or not penetrated.                                        Data from one or several wells can be visualized in various plots/figures                                                          


Licensing round application

from screening phase ....

                        .......to application writing

Data packages

Check shot data of 1366 wells on the NCS and more than 200 wells across the UK border presented as text files

DST test analyses from 419 wells with 650 observations

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